Test de niveau

Test d'anglais gratuit

Comment tu peux tester ton niveau d’anglais gratuitement

Bienvenue sur ma page où tu peux tester ton niveau d’anglais gratuitement. Avec ce test de niveau d’anglais, tu découvriras tes points forts et tes points faibles en anglais.


À quoi sert ce test ?

Ce test est conçu pour te donner une idée précise de ton niveau actuel, afin que tu puisses cibler tes efforts de manière efficace pour progresser rapidement. Il évalue ta connaissance de la grammaire et du vocabulaire en anglais.


Comment commencer le test

Pour commencer le test, il te suffit de te rendre en bas de la page et de répondre aux questions. Le test dure environ 20 minutes et tu obtiendras tes résultats immédiatement après avoir terminé.


Pourquoi utiliser ce test de niveau d’anglais gratuit

N’oublie pas que ce test de niveau d’anglais gratuit est un outil pour t’aider à déterminer tes besoins en matière d’apprentissage de l’anglais. Il ne remplace pas une évaluation professionnelle ou un cours d’anglais formel.



"... your husband do?"-- "He's a doctor."

Correct! Wrong!

My uncle lives ... Canada.

Correct! Wrong!

"Excuse me. ... help me?"

Correct! Wrong!

The quiet boy didn't speak to ... .

Correct! Wrong!

Taylor is ... in the running club.

Correct! Wrong!

I don't want ... bed. I'm not tired.

Correct! Wrong!

"... your parents home?"

Correct! Wrong!

My girlfriend and I live together. ... house is on Smith Street.

Correct! Wrong!

"... did you start your new job?" -- "2 months ago."

Correct! Wrong!

My friend Mike lives near my house. ... often play outside together.

Correct! Wrong!

I don't know what ... because I don't have a watch.

Correct! Wrong!

I use the computers at the library ... my e-mail.

Correct! Wrong!

Roger ... sunglasses today because it is quite sunny.

Correct! Wrong!

"Mother, do you know when ... be home?"

Correct! Wrong!

"... you buy your car?" -- "Last winter."

Correct! Wrong!

"Hey Linda. ... ?" -- "Great. And you?"

Correct! Wrong!

My father ... cooks dinner. He did it twice last week.

Correct! Wrong!

"... school today?" -- "Pretty fun. We played a game in English class."

Correct! Wrong!

John often rides his bicycle ... the river in summertime.

Correct! Wrong!

In North America, autumn ... in September.

Correct! Wrong!

This question is easy. ... a beginner could answer it.

Correct! Wrong!

"This song is by Mozart." -- "I know. You told me already. ..., let's just listen to the music."

Correct! Wrong!

"Do you know ... that?" -- "Because he was angry, I guess."

Correct! Wrong!

After my mother watches the news at 10 p.m., ... in front of the television.

Correct! Wrong!

I ... go to bed early tonight. It depends on how I feel.

Correct! Wrong!

Other than Kelly, ... the members of her family have red hair.

Correct! Wrong!

Roger is an interesting guy. ..., people like talking with him.

Correct! Wrong!

"Is Jose from Spain?" -- "I ... . I know he speaks Spanish."

Correct! Wrong!

When I saw that my bicycle wasn't there, I knew that someone ... it.

Correct! Wrong!

The little boy ... when his mother finished reading the story.

Correct! Wrong!

My grandmother was born on ... .

Correct! Wrong!

The lady ... and then she quickly left the party.

Correct! Wrong!

"Why is it so cold? The weather forecast said it would be hot today." -- "Well, ... it was wrong. Oh well."

Correct! Wrong!

John can't eat anything ... has peanuts in it.

Correct! Wrong!

Richard isn't looking ... to the dentist tomorrow.

Correct! Wrong!

A movie theatre ... in my neighbourhood next year.

Correct! Wrong!

... I don't wear shorts is because I have very hairy legs.

Correct! Wrong!

Jane had planned to clean the washroom today. But she might ... to tomorrow because she's feeling lazy.

Correct! Wrong!

... his old age, Jeffrey still jogs every day.

Correct! Wrong!

Walking to the bus stop, ... only takes about 10 minutes, is the only exercise I get every day.

Correct! Wrong!

I ... doubt it will rain this Saturday. It's supposed to be sunny.

Correct! Wrong!

The weather in Greece is nicest in summer ... the high number of tourists who visit the country at that time.

Correct! Wrong!

"Mark, did you pay the rent today?" -- "Oh no! The thought completely ... my mind!"

Correct! Wrong!

John knew there was ... to be some interesting people at the party, so he went.

Correct! Wrong!

When Lisa's boyfriend broke up with her, she ... . She thought he was her true love.

Correct! Wrong!

"Mom, I want a mobile phone! All my friends have one." -- "..., you don't need one. You're just a child."

Correct! Wrong!

Kate's jacket ... her bag. They are both emerald green.

Correct! Wrong!

Those under the age of 21 are prohibited ... alcohol.

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

If you are bored with your life, then do something ... it! Get off the couch and try something new.

Correct! Wrong!

If I had had money, I ... my wife some jewelry for her birthday last week. But, I don't, so I gave her something I made myself.

Correct! Wrong!

Évalue ton niveau d'anglais
Niveau A1
Tu débutes en anglais et tu as encore beaucoup à apprendre, n'hésite pas à me contacter via le lien ci-dessous.
Niveau A2
Tu as un niveau élémentaire en anglais et tu as encore beaucoup à apprendre, n'hésite pas à me contacter via le lien ci-dessous.
Niveau B1
Tu as un niveau pré-intermédiaire en anglais et tu peux encore progresser, n'hésite pas à me contacter via le lien ci-dessous.
Niveau B2
Tu as un niveau intermédiaire en anglais et tu peux encore progresser, n'hésite pas à me contacter via le lien ci-dessous.
Niveau C1
Tu as un niveau avancé en anglais ! Si ça te dit on peut pousser un peu plus pour que tu deviennes bilingue ;). N'hésite pas à me contacter via le lien ci-dessous.

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